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Sustainable Green Skills for Climate Adaptation

OSHE Foundation with the donation of FRIEDRICH EBERT STIFTUNG organized a ationaldialogue on “Just Transition in Bangladesh: Sustainable Green Skills for Climate Adaptationat Hotel Lake Castle, Gulshan 2 on 27 th August, 2022.
The objective of the event was to promote Just Transition in Bangladesh and collaborate among government bodies, BETAC, Trade union.More than 100 participants from NGOs, donors, humanitarian organisations and government sectors joined in person. The program was presided by Ms. Saki Rezwana, Chair, OSHE foundation and facilitated by Dr S M Morshed Vice Chair, OSHE Foundation, Director, BITAC, Ministry of Industries was presented as chief guest and Program officer, FES was as special guest there. Renowned green activist and ecologist Dr. Syed Md. Ihsanul Karim, have shared an informative presentation briefly on discussion title following the struggles of Bangladesh due to climate change, how we are contributing to climate change adaptation nationally, How Just Transition can play role socially and economically in adapting climate change actions in different sectors, ILO guidelines for JS, challenges of JS and also Mujib climate Prosperity Plan and JS. Besides he kept queries to audience how JS will deal with developing countries like Bangladesh by balancing economic growth, addressing worker;s voice in JS, promoting blue economy, nature based solutions, effective coordinating JS in Bangladesh.