News Details

National Dialogue Just Transition and Social Protection for Climate Adaptation in Bangladesh

OSHE Foundation with the support of FRIEDRICH EBERT STIFTUNG organized a national dialogue on “on Just Transition and Social Protection for Climate Adaptation in Bangladesh, BIAM Foundation, 63 New Eskatan, Dhaka, 1 November 2022.

The objective of the event was to sharing knowledge on Climatic impact in Bangladesh and conceptualizing Just Transition, to collaborate among policymakers, Trade union and Civil Society Organizations. More than 30 participants from Climate change actions based INGOs, NGOs, Environmental Right Activists, Advocates, Active Youth Groups, humanitarian organizations and government sectors joined in person. The program was presided by Aminur Rashid-Repon Chowdhury , Executive Director, OSHE, Shoya Yoshida General Secretary of International Trade Union Confederation – Asia and Pacific was presented as guest and Dr. Md. Moktar Hossain, Deputy Sectretary, Director (Social Safety Net), Department of Social Services was as special guest there. Prof. Mizan R Khan, Deputy Director along with Afsara Mirza, Research officer, International Center for Climate and Development (ICCCAD), have shared an Policy brief titled ‘Just Transition in bangladesh’, besides Dr. S. M. Morshed, Vice Chairman, OSHE foundation presented Topic on Adaptive Social Protection.