How does the initiative provide country-level support?

Social dialogue

A strong social consensus is crucial for transformative change. The initiative will strengthen mechanisms among governments, employers’ and workers’ organizations, and other key stakeholders and avoid disruptions of the social fabric, National or subnational governments with concrete commitments to implement just transition and green jobs measures in their own countries, or to support other countries. 

Capacity development

The initiative will support governments, employers’ and workers’ organizations as they develop their strategies to advance climate and decent work goals., OSHE foundation presented Topic on Adaptive Social Protection.

Advocacy, Training and Workshop

The initiative will drive change—on mindsets, lives, and the environment—at the national and international levels, finding and spreading shared messages, amplifying voices and Workers’ and employers’ organizations advocating for and contributing to a just transition and green jobs at local, national  levels, Civil society organizations contributing to a just transition. 

Green Job Initiative in Bangladesh

The ILO Green Jobs initiative was piloted in Bangladesh from 2008 to 2010 as a part of the regional programme of the ILO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, based in BangkokDuring the first phase, several key activities and outputs were realized.

  • A series of joint advocacy and awareness workshops were successfully completed at national and regional levels for ILO constituents and partners.
  • Research studies included assessments and sectoral studies  in Agriculture, Construction, Renewable Energy and Waste Management. 
  • Green jobs were created through successful public-private partnerships between ILO, Grameen Shakti and BMET, a private sector training provider. 

Network Building Alliance

Dialogue Build-up Network on Environment and Climate Changeto raise a strong social movement against climate change, demands towards green jobs, labor rights for climate vulnerable people.